Star Power!

Randomness shall continue on my blog. Today I aim to tackle a subject all parents have to inevitably go through, and I’m including a free template download. The subject … potty training.

Our little one is just now 21 months old, so I didn’t think that she could be motivated by something like a sticker yet, but I was terribly wrong. She LOVES stickers and REALLY wants to earn them. We started off just giving her a sticker if she successfully went in her potty. However, it quickly became clear this was not the best plan because she would go sit on her potty several times a day and try really hard to go, and it just seemed really cruel to not give her any stickers for her efforts. Hence, this chart was born. (Click below to download the PDF template).

 Sew Priddy Star Potty Chart

You can use whatever stickers you like and put as many as you want per row. I made a big star at the end of the line, so if you want, you can do something special if they fill up the row and make it to the big star. What we do is give our little one a sticker on her hand if she goes potty in the toilet in addition to a sticker on her chart. If she does any of the other tasks, she gets a sticker only on the chart. This way, if she tries she can still earn a sticker, and we can reward her for trying, but she won’t get the coveted sticker on her hand unless she actually successfully goes potty on her toilet. It has been working like a charm. I hope you find it helpful too. If anyone has any training tips, feel free to post a comment here.

I am going to try to post more stories, crafts, recipes, and randomness more often.  Stay tuned for my next blog entry. It will be a tutorial about how to make a unique and creative way to give money as a gift — it has always been a crowd pleaser. 🙂

Lucky Green Dip

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! In addition to fashion, we love to celebrate every holiday with food, of course! Our whole household is wearing our green clothes, and we stopped by Sprinkles and got our traditional Green Velvet cupcake and Baileys Irish Cream cupcake. Yummy!

Growing up, we used to go down to the lake to visit my grandparents on all major holidays. It was always such a wonderful time. We would wake up to the smell of my Grandma Peggy frying bacon and my Grandpa Joe making pancakes from scratch. We loved to sit there on the tall bar stools and watch them cook away. As Grandpa Joe cracked the eggs with brown shells into the batter, he would always joke and tell us they were “rooster eggs.” Great times!  One of many culinary highlights of our times down at the lake was “Green Dip!” My aunt would typically bring it, and we would scarf it down the moment she walked in the door.  We hope you love it too!

Lucky Green Dip aka Parsley Perfection
Lucky Green Dip aka Parsley Perfection courtest of

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon of sugar
  • 2 green onions
  • Tabasco to taste (typically 10 shakes or so)
  • 2 Tablespoons of vinegar
  • 2 cloves of garlic (crushed). (We typically use the minced garlic in the jar and use the conversion on the jar).
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • A dash of pepper (we typically use ½ teaspoon)
    Mix all of the above ingredients in a blender.
  • Then add in ¾ cups of pure vegetable oil into the blender and use the puree/mix setting until it is well blended.
    Taste after it is all blended and add any additional Tabasco/pepper to taste.
    Chill in refrigerator for a few hours until thick.
    Enjoy with chips and/or veggies!

Stay tuned for more stories and recipes from our times at the lake. We at wish you lots of luck today and throughout the year!
